
What can I do if the booking page does not work?

We constantly test the accessibility of our pages. Due to the variety of browsers, operating systems, firewalls, add-ons and virus scanners used, it can still happen in individual cases that the doo pages do not work correctly or are loaded.

If you are confronted with corresponding problems, here are some tips:

  1. Check whether opening a new page in a new tab or loading the booking window as well as the use of cookies is prevented by software or an add-on such as an ad blocker. If in doubt, disable the program for the booking page.
  2. Clear your browser history (especially cache and cookies). In principle, this is possible with every browser via its browser data settings. Alternatively, open the page in a private or incognito window.
  3. Use a different browser.
  4. Use another device.
  5. Try again at a later time.

Our Support Team will be happy to help you at any time if you have problems booking. In order to be able to help you quickly and in a targeted manner, the following information is helpful to us:

  • What device did you use to book (computer/laptop, smartphone, tablet)?
  • Which browser are you using and which version (e.g. Firefox 40.0.2, Internet Explorer 11, Chrome 46.0)?
  • What operating system are you using (e.g. Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, iOS)?
  • Briefly describe what steps you took and at what point the error appeared. For example, was there an error message or a loading sign? A screenshot is especially helpful for us.
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