
Tips for a smooth entry

With the help of the attendee list and the doo tickets you can easily manage the admission on the day of the event.

1. Preparation: Print out the list of attendees and bring a laptop with you

Download your final attendee list on the day of the event to know how many guests you can count on. Depending on how you have planned admission on site, you can print out the list to manually check off the guests on site – or you can opt for digital check-in by scanning the tickets. It is also not a bad idea to have a printed list if, for example, equipment fails or the Internet is too slow. It is also advisable to have a laptop on site and to allow onsite registrations or to be able review the status of individual bookings.

2. Check-in by scanning the tickets

If you have activated tickets for your event, your attendees should show them on their smartphones or print them out and bring them to the event. The QR code that is printed on each doo ticket can be read by any scan app. The ticket is automatically checked for validity and the person can be checked in by another click, which at the same time invalidates the ticket. Further information on tickets and QR codes can be found here.

If you have activated tickets for your event, your participants should bring them printed out to the event or show them on their smartphones. The QR code printed on each doo ticket can be scanned using any QR code scanning app such as Scanbot.

You will be redirected to a doo website where the ticket details will be displayed and checked for validity. With another click, you can check the person in, which simultaneously validates the ticket to eliminate multiple uses. For more information on tickets and QR codes, click here.

For trouble-free admission, please note the following points:

  • Ticket validation will not be enabled until 24 hours before the start of the event to avoid prior accidental validation by attendees themselves.
  • Make sure you have an internet connection at the venue. Ideally, you should use W-LAN instead of mobile internet to enable a quick loading of the respective doo check-in page.
  • Depending on the number of participants, work with several mobile devices and charged batteries on site to avoid queues and breakdowns.
  • If an attendee forgets their ticket, you can also call up the attendee via the online attendee overview and check them in manually. You can find all the information you need here.
  • If a participant has not yet received their ticket because they have not paid their invoice or have paid it too late, it is up to you to decide whether they may still participate or not. In this case, many organizers ask to see the payment receipt, which proves that the transfer to doo has already been made and only not yet confirmed, and then let the person participate if everything fits. The receipt of payment will then be subsequently confirmed by doo when the amount is received in our account. All information on how to deal with unpaid bookings can be found here.
  • For larger events it is possible to order the setup of an individual check-in page, which will be displayed on your screen after successful scanning and which can be used e.g. as a print template for name badges on site. If you are interested, please contact your doo contact person or for a corresponding offer.

Voided tickets are listed in the online attendee overview as “checked in” and in the Excel attendee list with the corresponding check-in time. This allows you to check which people are/were there at any time during or after your event. To check the status quo during the check-in period, please refresh the view via your browser beforehand.

3. Box office registrations

If you still want to sell tickets on site, you can do this via the manual registration with “Own payment processing”. In this way you can collect the data of the attendees so that they also appear in your booking list. If, when completing the manual booking, you tick the box that an invoice is to be sent to the booker by email as a payment receipt, you do not need to issue him with a separate receipt for the cash payment and save paperwork on site.

Important: Manual registrations are only possible until the end of the event. After this date, box office visitors can no longer be registered.

4. Professional admission solutions for larger events

Are you planning a major event where many attendees have to be checked in within a very short time? Would you like to print out name tags on site or even work with face recognition? Let us advise you: doo offers professional admission solutions for various types of events and also rents out its own scanners, with which you can check in your attendees much faster.

If you are interested in an individual offer for a professional onsite solution, please do not hesitate to contact your personal doo contact person at any time or

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