
Website Tracking: How to integrate doo into your Google Analytics To be Created

Google Analytics is a powerful tool when it comes to evaluating the performance of your own website. Through the information on page views, origin of visitors, clicks, interactions, and much more, you get a comprehensive overall picture of how your site is used. But what about event registrations? Can I use Google Analytics to find out, for example, how many of the site visitors have registered for my doo event?

1. Manual integration of doo tracking required

After you have added a doo registration form to your website using the widget, the interactions (“analytic events”) of your website visitors with this widget are not automatically tracked in your Google Analytics account. In order to receive this data from doo, some settings need to be made by us and by you in your own Google account.

The forwarding of this data can be set up for a specific doo widget – i.e. for a single event – as well as across events, i.e. for a complete doo organization account.

2. Prerequisites for the integration

Technically, our tracking solution is based on scripts that are created with Google Tag Manager (GTM) and basically forward the analytic events of the doo widget to the analytics of the surrounding website.

No programming effort is required to set this up: With the necessary access and the right instructions, the admin of your event website can make the settings himself in cooperation with our team. The prerequisite for connecting doo to your Analytics account is the use of Google Analytics 4 as well as the Google Tag Manager, which must be connected to your website. We need your measurement / container ID for the configuration.

You can decide whether all or only selected analytics data of the doo widget should be forwarded, such as only successful bookings. In case of doubt, we recommend to have all data forwarded. You can then still define yourself in your Google Analytics reports which information should be displayed where and how.

3. Set up the forwarding of the doo data to your Analytics account

After you have ordered the setup of doo tracking, some settings must first be made on our site based on your setup requirements. Once this is complete, your website must be configured to receive the data sent by doo from your Google Analytics account using Google Tag Manager.

3.1. Create HTML tag

To do this, the first step is to create an HTML tag in your Google Tag Manager that receives the interactions (“analytic events”) of your page visitors with the doo widget and makes them visible to the GTM container that is embedded on your page. This tag should be executed as soon as the page containing the widget is accessed.

The code of this tag can look like this:


(function() {

// Universal Analytics tracking ID whose _ga cookie to use.
// If using GA4, you can leave this setting untouched.
var trackingId = 'UA-XXXXX-Y';
// Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for GA tracker to load.
// Again, irrelevant for GA4.
var maxGATime = 2000;

// Set to the origin ("<")> of the iframe you want to communicate with
var childOrigin = '';

// Don't touch anything that follows
var pollInterval = 200;

var postCallback = function(event) {
  if (event.origin !== childOrigin) return;
  if ( !== 'childReady' && ! return;

  if ( === 'childReady') {
    // Send event that parent is ready
    event.source.postMessage('parentReady', event.origin);

    var pollCallback = function() {
      // Stop polling if maxTime reached
      maxGATime -= pollInterval;
      if (maxGATime <= 0) window.clearInterval(poll);      

      // Only proceed if GA loaded and tracker accessible
      var ga = window[window['GoogleAnalyticsObject']];
      if (ga && ga.getAll) {
        // Get tracker that matches the Tracking ID you provided
        var tracker = ga.getAll().filter(function(t) { 
          return t.get('trackingId') === trackingId; 

        // Send message back to frame with Client ID
        if (tracker) {
            event: 'clientId',
            clientId: tracker.get('clientId')
          }, event.origin);
        // Stop polling if not already done so

    // Start polling for Google Analytics tracker
    var poll = window.setInterval(pollCallback, pollInterval)

    // Push dataLayer message from iframe to dataLayer of parent
  if ( {

// Start listening for messages from child frame
window.addEventListener('message', postCallback);

3.2. Connect Google Analytics Account

In the second step your Google Analytics needs to be connected using a GTM tag. The following example tag forwards all interactions of the doo widget.

3.3. Create trigger

In line with the previous tag, the third step is to create a corresponding trigger that triggers the desired action. Here the tracking events from the widget are given the prefix “iframe.

The variable that helps us here to make the trigger fire only when the Google Analytics event comes from the widget is defined like this:

4. Use of doo data in Google Analytics reports

If the forwarding setup is completed successfully, the tracking data of the doo widget will be automatically integrated into your Google Analytics account. You can recognize the doo data by the fact that their labels start with “iframe.”.

You can use it as usual for reports such as conversion tracking for event registrations to monitor the success of your event website.

If you are interested in forwarding the tracking data from the doo widget to your Analytics account, feel free to contact us.

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